Okayyyy...that was an absolute fail! I just wrote a whole blogpost about blogging from my phone. I hit add image to see if I can add pictures on my phone anddd it completely erased everything!! Ohmygoodnesss let's see if I can remember what I said..
So blogging from my phone! As we all know I kind of stink and updating my blog on a regular basis. It's not that I do it on purpose or anything like that its just I don't have the time to sit and write a post or if I do I don't have my laptop with me. My ultimate wish would be to be able to do a minimum blog post of one a day if not more! I absolutely loveeee blogging and taking pictures of swatching, reviews, etc. But it comes down to..having no time at all :(
Enter- mobile bloging!! Wooohooooo! I've always known about it and seen it on the sight but I was skeptical of how it would turn out or what it was like. Btw, I'm writing this from my phone as we speak! So maybe this could be my way to be able to blog all the time! I'm a fast texter so this could turn out well :)
Anyways, its fourth of july eve and I hear fireworks already starting! Hope everyone has a great 4th of july weekend! Be safe! And if anyone knows how to add pictures if you could share that would be much appreciated!